CLIMATE ASSEMBLY | Museum of the Commons
ven 19 apr
|Sale Docks
within the framework of the project Museum of the Commons L’internationale Climate Assembly comes together in Venice to debate the positioning of partner institutons vis a vis toxic philanthropy and the role of our art and cultural institutions in the present environmental and geopolitical crisis

Orario & Sede
19 apr 2024, 10:00 – 12:00
Sale Docks, Fondamenta Zattere Ai Saloni, 265, 30123 Venezia VE, Italia
Info sull'evento
Museum of the Commons. This is the fourth cooperative project led by L’Internationale, focusing on the themes of climate, translocal cooperation, and artistic strategies of healing and repair. Museum of the Commons weaves together three transversal thematic threads corresponding to key challenges contemporary societies are facing: Climate tackles issues of the current planetary climate crisis, the sustainability of institutional, artistic and cultural practices and processes, and the urgency of transforming our politics, societies, cultures and ways of life. Situated Organisations queries the role of museums and art organisations as actors in complex social networks and ecosystems, to seek new ways of democratizing institutions and to render them more open, inclusive and useful. The final thread, Past in the Present, focuses on the crucial roles our local and shared histories hold in constituting contemporary identities, politics, societies and cultures, investigating the persistence and long-lasting impact of historical and current environmental and colonial violence. In doing so, the confederation seeks to mobilise art and culture as strategic tools in processes of healing, reconstruction and repair of damage that has been inflicted.
L’InternationaleWhat: L’Internationale is a European confederation of museums, arts organisations and universities, founded in 2009. It takes its name from the 19th century worker’s anthem written by Eugène Pottier
Why: L’Internationale was founded to offer an alternative model to globalising art institutions that replicate the structures of multinational powers and their centralised distribution of knowledge. Believing in the power of art to be a platform for the discussion of a renewed social contract, we advocate for a new internationalist model that challenges exclusivity and emphasizes common heritage through interconnected archives and constituent-led approaches, fostering individual and collective emancipation.
Who: In its current configuration L’Internationale brings together eight major European art institutions: HKW (Berlin, Germany); MSU (Zagreb, Croatia); Museo Reina Sofía(Madrid, Spain); MACBA (Barcelona, Spain); M HKA, (Antwerp, Belgium); MSN(Warsaw, Poland), Salt (Istanbul, Turkiye), Van Abbemuseum (Eindhoven, the Netherlands), with Institute of Radical Imagination (Naples,Italy), tranzit.ro (Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi, Romania),and VCRC (Kyiv, Ukraine). L’Internationale has three academic partners: HDK-Valand (Gothenburg, Sweden), NCAD (Dublin, Ireland) and ZRC SAZU(Ljubljana, Slovenia) and three associate organisations IMMA (Dublin, Ireland), MG+MSUM (Ljubljana, Slovenia) and WIELS (Forest, Belgium).
How: L’Internationale’s principle funder is the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union. The current EU funded programme, ‘Museum of the Commons’ runs from February 2023 – December 2026 and includes a €2m grant that is match funded by the partners of the programme. The confederation works across programming (exhibitions, seminars, schools, residencies, public programmes) research and publishing (through L’Internationale Online), and communication.